In this post i will be researching on how media theories can be applied to texts and then i will be deciding on how i can apply media theories to my own media text from the brief i have chosen.

Image result for magazine media texts

Narrative theories such as propp have been used in this media text by showing the hero which is represented by the character in the front cover. Another type of theory is the genre theories which has been used in this magazine cover. The john hartley genre theory has been used as this magazine can be interpreted as cultural as it has been based in the UK and the main character is known as a British hero which links to the first theory as well.

Image result for lara crofts media texts

This magazine theory uses the Angela Mcrobbie theory as it represents the main character as a strong and independant women and also they utilize their sexuality as she seems to be in control as she is shown in the magazine. As well as this it shows another narrative theory being levi-strauss theory. This showing the sterotypical image of a women shouldered next to the waves of the ocean which represents good against bad.

Image result for stereotype media texts in magazine

This media text magazine can represent the Richard dyer theory which states that stereotypes legitimize inequality by marginalising certain individuals and social groups. In this case it stereotypes a much larger social group being women and stereotypes them to be weak. The Richard dyer theory belongs as one of the representation theories.

In conclusion i could use these various theories and apply them to my own magazine. For example from the first media text magazine it uses  john hartely theory which refers to more culturally involved ideas which could possibly link to the magazine which i am trying to create. Throughout this i researched numerous websites in order to find magazine media texts which uses various theories to convey what they are trying to put out.


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