
Showing posts from March, 2019


In this post i will be researching on how media theories can be applied to texts and then i will be deciding on how i can apply media theories to my own media text from the brief i have chosen. Narrative theories such as propp have been used in this media text by showing the hero which is represented by the character in the front cover. Another type of theory is the genre theories which has been used in this magazine cover. The john hartley genre theory has been used as this magazine can be interpreted as cultural as it has been based in the UK and the main character is known as a British hero which links to the first theory as well. This magazine theory uses the Angela Mcrobbie theory as it represents the main character as a strong and independant women and also they utilize their sexuality as she seems to be in control as she is shown in the magazine. As well as this it shows another narrative theory being levi-strauss theory. This showing the sterotypical image of a wome...

intertextuality in media - Nea 2

Task 2 In this task i will be looking at how intertextuality is applied to different media texts and also be exploring the different effects that they are used to create for the audience. Then i will be using media texts to help Task 3 This creates a relative understanding between audiences and will make them more able to understand what the magazine is trying to aim for and may also make them support what kind of ideals the magazine may have. As the poster on the left shows an enlisting sign which tries to get people to join their cause and then the magazine on the right shows a sort of fitness programme which tries to also enlist people to join. This magazine has relation to Donald trump and uses him to create intertextuality which makes relation with the audience as the audience can understand whats happening in the magazine if it also involves something or someone that they know and can relate ideas to which in this case is Donald trump. In conclusion i will incorpora...


How is  media language   used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing  representations   and following   genre  conventions ? BRIEF 1 Choose TWO front covers and TWO double spread articles from educational magazines. Analysis: front cover 1 In this media product the main character shown on the front cover is a tiger. The tiger presented is shown in a negative way as it is shown in almost like a hunting stance as it is bearing its fangs and almost pouncing. The tigers pelt is shown as a dark orange to contrast its usual lightness in colour. As well as this to present a negative atmosphere around the tiger they use a black background  from where its coming from as well as dark green colours for the branches a leafs.  The tagline 'curious cats' suggest the interest the consumer feels about picking up this educational magazine and wanting to learn. The colour scheme used does not have any hint of sugg...

NEA briefs

K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR. U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent. BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent. CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication. Te reason why i chose to do brief number 1 was because i feel that i can teach people about what i know and that it would be the most suitable option for me as i am not very good at videos or filming. Whilst i work on my media content i intend to learn skills like editing pictures. My chosen media text was a magazine about how to solve a rubiks cube and the skills i have to help me with this is that i am able to solve the rubiks cube. ________________________________________________________ 13.2px;">________________________________________________________________